Order or info: 0031-35-7009739 (NL)

Would you like to order? You can do this directly in this webshop. Items ordered on business days before 15u, will normaly sent the same day.

More information, request a sample, discuss what your options are: call us, telephone number 035-7009739

How to order:

  • The size is important. A tablecloth should be about 30 cm across. For example, if your tabletop is 80x80cm, choose a tablecloth size of approximately 140x140cm.
  • Quality Treb BA, this is our most cheap linen. It is uniform white. And consists of 100% cotton. Remember that this linen is cheap in purchase. If you use linen frequently, it is better to opt for a different quality. Other qualities will last longer, and so use each time, are cheaper.
  • Quality Treb Classic. 100% Egyptian Cotton (long fibers). This is white linen. Has an interwoven satin ribbon.
  • Quality Treb SP. This linen feels like cotton but is much stronger. Lasts a long time. Is easy to wash and dry. Is offered in many colors. Also try to combine colors (tablecloths, table runners and napkins of different colors.This gives nice effects.We recommend this fabric.
  • Treb Towels. All kinds of different cloths. Practical. But, for example, our tea towels can also be used as a napkin, a table or a work cloth.
  • Treb Bed and Bath. Duvet covers and pillowcases of hotel quality.
  • It is recommended to wash the linen before use. As a result, the linen will shrink and stains are less likely to attach. Note: washed and / or used linen can not be returned.


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